
Mankind has received funding from a variety of sources over the years, helping the organisation achieve its aims and deliver therapeutic services.

Past support

2002 - 2005
The YAPP Charitable Trust

3-year grant to cover general running costs. YAPP was one of the first funders to support the early years of Mankind's service provision.

2002 - 2007
Three Oaks Trust

Along with YAPP the Three Oaks Trust was a major contributor to Mankind's running costs enabling the provision of therapeutic services. Three Oaks also contributed towards salary costs and the setting up of a training course for professionals on male sexual abuse/assault issues.

Awards For All

This grant enabled Mankind to strengthen its infrastucture through the purchase of new computers and the commissioning of a new client database. The grant also facilitated the creation of a 5-year Business Plan and fundraising strategy.

Lloyds TSB Foundation

This one-off grant covered the rental costs of Mankind's premises in Newhaven and the creation of our resource library.

The Trusthouse Charitable Foundation

This one off grant covered the costs of refurbishment of our premises to create a resource centre including 3 sound proof counselling rooms and a large group space.

2006 - 2008
The Tudor Trust

This 3-year grant enabled the employment of two staff and the organisations 5-year Business Plan to begin.

2007 - 2009
The Rayne Foundation

Another 3 year grant that will contribute towards the realisation of the 5-year Business Plan and delivery of therapeutic services.

2007 - 2012
The Big Lottery

5-year grant covering salary and general running costs that will enable the 5 year Business Plan to be fully realised.

2008 - 2009
The Allen Lane Foundation

2-year grant to pilot our creative therapeutic groups.

Current support

See our latest Annual Report

One-off donations

General contributions to our work or for a specific piece of equipment, these funders responded to our general appeal conceived within the 2006 fundraising strategy.

Chapman Charitable Trust
Coutts Charitable Trust
Fox Memorial Trust
Souter Charitable Trust
Stratton's Supper Quizzes
Swan Mountain Trust

Thank you

Mankind would like to express a huge thank you to those that have enabled the continuation of our specialist therapeutic services. That not only includes the supporters listed here but also all those that have made anonymous donations and those that donate through giving their time, energy, passion and belief such as our dedicated team of counsellors and the Trustees of the charity, without whom none of what we do would be possible.